Thursday 31 March 2011

Magazine Front Over Inspiration

I have decided to go against the orginal conventions of a music magazine by making the magazine a festival special edition version. I done this to attract a wider audience to my magazine. Although there are many festivals which attrcat different target audiences every year, by having coverage of them all in one magazine it will attract all these audeinces to this one magazine. Also festivals are linked with hot summer weather, therefore my magazine will be produced in time for the festival season.

I highly understand the importance of the image on the front cover of a magazine. There are a number of qualities that sell a music magazine - the font, the aritcles, the layout - however the image remains the most important ascpect of a magazine front cover. The image is the first thing the consumer will see. As I explained earlier voyeurism is highly prominent in music magazine front covers, this is because they are somewhat different to fitness or clothing magazines which can easily advertise their articles and products through a picture. However music magazines cannot do this as sound is aural not visual, therefore they must be more unique in the way they look - they must stand out, voyeurism helps them to do this. Magazines use attractive pictures of bands and singers to make the consumers become visually appealing to the music they represent. As my music magazine is going to be a special edition about music festivals I decided I wanted to get a calm soft picture that represented summer perfectly. Whilist searching the internet I found a number of pictures that represented the summer, the majority of these were taken on beaches and by pools - however I wanted my magazine image to show more of a country summer. Below is an image I found from People Tree's Spring & Summer Photoshoot of Emma Watson:

There are very supple pastle colours used in this image that gives a very warm soft feeling to the image. It is clear that this image inspired my front cover for my music magazine:

The picture above is the image I have chosen to use for my magazine front cover. Of course I did not want to completely duplicate the Emma Watson photoshoot, instead I wanted to retain more of British summer and I felt the People Tree's photoshot reprensted more of a south american theme.

I made sure the weather was correct before taking the photo and opted for a low angle shot to emphasize the long grass and clear skies. The colours of the models dress also highlight the pink flowers and different shades of green and yellow in the grass.

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