Thursday 31 March 2011

I have decided to analyse a contents page to help me when designing my own for both my preliminary and main tasks. This contents page is from a Reggea, African and Caribbean music magazine called "The Beat". I have decided to evaluate this particular contents page as it is very different to any other music magazine I have evaluated or read. The contents page is very "upbeat" and modern in its design. The colours which are used are electrifying pink and yellow, which is eye catching when placed on a black background, which is used as a banner to help the text stand out. This tells me that the target market for this magazine is a teenagers or young adults. There is not one specific importance on this page. What is in the magazine is ordered under main titles, such as, Tour Info, Interviews, Regulars, Latest Gossip and Posters. The mode of address is informal and slang is used to, again, appeal to the target audience. Anchorage text is used to help pin down the meaning of the pictures on this page, for example "Back Stage Goss" is situated next top a picture of a man and a woman sitting back stage of a concert and "P.37" to tell us were this article can be found.

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